Stranger Teams is a Halloween Fitness Celebration. We have three divisions; RX - Intermediate and NEW this year is a CO-ED Team of 2! Male/Female. So Find your freakiest most fit friend you can, get your costume and Put your strangest team together and come compete with Southern Utah's Fittest.
Divisions and Details

Teams of 2 Female/Female or Male/Male. This divisions is for athletes new to competing in functional fitness competitions. Movements to expect in this division are:
Kettle Bell Swings - Rowing - Assault Bike - Jumping Pull Ups - Hanging Knee Raises - Deadlifts - Wall Balls, Box Step Ups, Knee Push Ups, Air Squats, Jump Ropes, Dumbbell Movements, etc.
Competition workouts will be released October 1st.

NEW THIS YEAR! Male/Female Team. Moderate Barbell Weight, C2B Pull Ups (At Least One Partner) - Double Unders (At least one partner) Snatches, Cleans, Jerks, Wall Balls,
This divisions is perfect for athletes that are RX or Intermediate athletes. They will share the load and work of each others strengths.
Competition workouts will be released October 1st.

This divisions is for athletes who competed in the open and RX'd the movements. Movements to expect in this division are:
Muscle Ups, Double Unders, HSPU, C2B Pull Ups - Snatches - Back Squats - Power Cleans - Toes to Bar - Deadlifts - Regular Push Ups
Competition workouts will be released September 1st.

3050 East 520 North, Unit C
St. George, UT 84790